Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Our guests have left the building :o(

It was a sad, cold, dark, crack-of-dawn morning. We left the apartment at 4am to take Mona, Nanny and Pam to the airport. We should have pulled an OJ on the 405 and kept driving but life goes on, even if they are going home and we are stuck out here in shark-eating, fire-breeding, gorgeous, windy weathered California! We thoroughly enjoyed our week with them. We went to our favorite San Diego spots and even tried some new things -LA yesterday (pics to come when I get Mona and Pam's pictures), Padres game, Claim Jumpers restaurant, church, and Imperial Beach. We couldn't convince them that Black's beach (nude) was a good idea. Maybe Lance and Michelle will brave it with us next week. They are safely back in Jacksonville as I write this. It's back to work for a few days until next Thursday when Lance and Michelle arrive for a week. Time is running out people. If you want to come visit you better book your flight soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keely I will snag Mona's camera when she returns. I can upload to a site of your choice - just say where.
Fran H.
ps am enjoying visiting San Diego vicariously. Keep those pictures coming.