Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stories from Dana- a nurse we work with. She's a trip!

She looked at me tonight serious as a heart attack and said, "you know, I think labor and delivery is the double 1st cousin to psych... Funny enough in itself, but I asked, what's a "double 1st cousin" I mean, do I have some of these? She said, "you dont' know what that is? I guess people don't marry their brothers and sisters where you're from!" LOL
Then she told me a story of her 4 yr old grandson and 2 yr old granddaughter. The kids call the grandparents Jed and Jetta. They were out to dinner the other night and the 2 yr old was pouting with her finger in her mouth sucking on it. She told her granddaughter, "you better eat" but all the 2 yr old did was grunt and kept sucking her finger. Her grandson, all 4 yrs of him, spoke up and said, "looks like someone needs an ass whoopin Jetta."

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